
Course Overview

Course Overview
Learn the ancient art of weaving to create decorative woven bowls, Saturday 10am-1pm
Explore the art of weaving and create a beautiful, functional bowl using a circular loom.
Prosp Is This Right For Me
You will learn the fundamentals of weaving techniques and how to use a circular loom to craft a unique and personalised bowl. From selecting materials to finishing touches, this workshop encourages experimentation and exploration of fibres and yarn, colour and design.
Prosp What Will I Learn
This workshop offers a creative and rewarding experience through observation, experimentation and practice.
Prosp How Will I Learn
You will not gain a formal qualification but you may request a Certificate of Attendance from your tutor.
Prosp Qualification
You may wish to join another of our art and craft courses.
Prosp Next Steps
All materials are provided, just bring a notepad and pen and your own ideas.
Prosp Please Bring
3.00 hours per week
1 weeks