
Course Overview

Course Overview
Continue to develop your drawing and painting skills using different media, Tuesdays 12.30-3pm
This course is designed for learners with a little knowledge of drawing and painting.
Prosp Is This Right For Me
You will learn several drawing techniques and how to draw in a variety of styles using a variety of mediums. You will continue to develop observational skills and a clear understanding of tone, space, depth, perspective and drawing in 3 dimensions. The skills you learn in drawing will enhance and overlap into your paintings as you learn how to translate drawing to painting. You will gain a good understanding of colour mixing, tone, paint application and texture. You will explore composition and work mostly from observed still life and 2D sometimes photographs. The focus of this term will be an introduction to acrylic painting and a continual development of watercolour painting.
Prosp What Will I Learn
You will learn through tutor demonstrations and practical exercises. You will draw and paint a variety of subjects. Topics will interlink from week to week. There will be a step-by-step element to some sessions and the tutor will ensure the appropriate learning style is chosen for individual learners. All learners will have regular one to one feedback on their progress. Home studies are encouraged, as practice enhances confidence.
Prosp How Will I Learn
You will not gain a formal qualification, but you may request a Certificate of Achievement from your tutor.
Prosp Qualification
You may wish to join a continuation course where your skills will be enhanced and you will learn new skills and techniques, ensuring you develop your painting and drawing skills and confidence.
Prosp Next Steps
Please bring the following to first session: 1 A4/A3 cartridge paper drawing book, 1 x HB pencil, putty rubber, pencil sharpener, a set of Soft chalk pastels and a can of low-priced hair spray. You will need a set of acrylic paints /pad and brushes for session 2: If unsure please bring brushes and paints you already have so the tutor can assess individual needs in session 1. You will be advised whether you will need to buy anything else.
Prosp Please Bring
2.50 hours per week
8 weeks